A UX Design Studio Focused on B2B.

We work with founders to translate their visions into product designs that help users extract more value.

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"Secretly Nice are the only product designers I want to work with. They understand how our product works inside and out, got in the heads of our customers, and gave us designs that our users are already excited about."

David Graunke

Co-founder, SafetyKit

Business Objectives We Support

Improved Retention

Guiding customers toward value with every click will keep them around longer.

Trial Tier Conversions

Support Product-led Growth through consistent, repeatable user outcomes.

Sales Demo Success

Increase win-rates with an interface that marches in lock-step with your narrative.

Increase Velocity

A clarified product focuses backlogs and shrinks engineering timelines.

Reduce Support Workloads

Improving clarity and usability reduces user friction and frustration.

Expand Product Value

Delivering key features that are both simple and powerful drives up product value.

Buyers in Every Industry
Expect Powerful Software.

You’ve met demands by delivering features, configurability, and performance. But the overall experience still needs work.

Hard to Get Started

If it isn’t dead-simple from the first click, users move on before you’re able to demonstrate your value.

Overloaded Users

Overwhelmed by bulky, info-stuffed screens, users slow down, get frustrated, and tie up support teams.


Too much utility and not enough of your vision lead to uninspiring tools that feel like glorified spreadsheets.

Clunky Experiences

In a crowded marketplace, awkwardly presented UI fail to gain trust and are seen as lower-quality.

Corrective Design for Early‑Stage Software

We get it: You want to deliver an experience that lives up to the time, energy and resources you’ve already invested. But not at any cost.

Let’s refine what you already have:

  • without committing to a big engagement
  • without sacrificing product robustness
  • without pausing your development efforts

Here's How We Do It

From Our Rolodex

"We were blown away by Matt and Kris' ability to quickly grasp the nuances of our space and synthesize that into actionable strategies and designs."

Keiko Roy-Carey

Co-founder, Inyeon AI

Product Refinement Use Cases

Every product has its own UX challenges. But here are a few design areas we see B2B product teams struggle again and again.

Explore Our Use Cases

Risk‑Free and

New partnerships are always fraught with uncertainty. So why not start small?

New Here? We Offer a Money‑Back Guarantee

Our work is quality. But you don't have to take our word for it.

Small Projects With Upfront Price Tags

Concise, achievable objectives. No creep. No drift. No surprises.

Follow-Up Support is Included, Free of Charge

We check in afterward, ensuring our designs work in reality.

Big Upcoming Product Milestone?

Let’s talk about your immediate challenges, and how we can target them with a limited effort.

Book an Intro Call Email Us Directly